6 Tips for Glowing Up

Do you ever look at before and after pictures of some people and think, “wow!”. It’s not necessarily that they ever looked bad; it’s just that they somehow managed to transform into something resembling a goddess. Everybody wants to glow up, and luckily, everyone can. By following these six tips, you’ll soon have people saying “wow” when they see you. 

1: Consider Botox 

Some people struggle to know whether or not botox is right for them. The truth is, everyone gets wrinkles, and while that’s not a bad thing, botox cosmetic treatment will keep them at bay for far longer. Don’t worry – no one will ever know you’ve had it done; they’ll just think you look great for your age! It’s a simple procedure that’ll ensure your furrow lines, crow’s feet, and forehead wrinkles turn into soft, smooth skin. 

2: Wear Light and Dewy Makeup 

Some people believe glowing up entails lots and lots of makeup, but that’s not true! In fact, many glow-ups involve ditching the heavy foundation and thick mascara for light, dewy makeup that barely looks like you’ve got any on at all. Think cream blushes, BB creams, soft eyeshadows, and subtle lip shades. 

3: Find an Exercise You Love 

Exercise is a great way to improve both your mood and appearance. Whether you want to shed a few pounds or build muscle mass, a great workout routine will help you get there – just make sure it’s an exercise you love. That way, you’ll be less likely to give up before you have even started. 

4: Improve Your Skincare 

While finding great makeup products is a fun part of glowing up, it is even more important to perfect your skincare routine. After all, it’s easier to enhance beauty rather than try to hide flaws! For a better skincare routine, work out your skin type and then research the products that work for others with a similar type. The bare minimum includes a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and, most importantly, an SPF. 

5: Figure Out Your Clothes Style 

A wardrobe clear-out is possibly the most enjoyable part of a glow-up. You get to go through each of your clothes, try them on, and then decide whether or not they will work in your new, glowed-up closet. You also get the chance to go shopping and shop for your new clothes style! If you’re unsure what style suits you, have a look online for inspiration.  

6: Work on Feeling Good on the Inside 

A glow-up isn’t just about how you look on the outside – it’s also about how you feel on the inside. Becoming a happy, positive person will make you shine, no matter how great your makeup is or how stylish your clothes are. After all, it is hard to fake a genuine smile! 

While these tips will get you on the right track, remember that a glow-up is also personal, and what works for one person might not necessarily work for another. So, focus on making yourself look and feel good for yourself, and soon everyone will notice just how beautiful you are, on the inside as well as on the outside.