Celebrating in Style: Holiday Season Fashion Dos and Don’ts

Celebrating in Style: Holiday Season Fashion Dos and Don’ts

We’ve been quarantining for so long, we’ve forgotten what it’s like to dress in anything besides yoga pants. But now that the holidays are here, many of us will be lucky enough to have somewhere to go beside the kitchen. The right outfit will be different depending on whether the event is for work, family, or getting together with friends. But don’t fret; we’ve compiled a list of holiday season fashion dos and don’ts so you can celebrate in style.

Don’t Neglect the Details

We’re all a little rusty when it comes to gatherings but we all want the same thing when it comes to what to wear: confidence and comfort. Before you do any shopping, find out what type of party it’ll be. Will it be laid-back or more formal? Is there a dress code? Even small hints about what others are wearing will make it much easier to figure out where to start for yourself. (Side note: When you do start shopping for your fun and festive gear, don’t forget about other important items, such as gifts for grandma. If you’re running short on time and ideas, you can’t go wrong with a classic like pearls from The Pearl Source.)

Do Get into the Spirit

Has the season got you dreaming about donning a fur-trimmed cape? Go for it. After almost a year of canceled fun, you’ve earned it. A little red dress is also ideal for the holidays. Red looks great on just about everyone, and it’s a wonderfully happy, bold color, just what we need after so much sameness. If you’d rather wear an ensemble with a top and pants, red also looks great with neutrals like black, beige and winter white. And don’t forget about your feet. There’s tons of opportunity for happy holiday embellishment when it comes to footwear. If you’re feeling out of practice with heels, you don’t need to wear them. A pair of flats adorned with bows, bells or other holiday-themed detailing will be charming and full of cheer.

Don’t Be Afraid to Add Some Sparkle

If you own diamonds, by all means wear them. But even if you don’t, you’ve probably got some kind of bling in the jewelry box — and if you don’t, get some. Starburst jewelry is trending strong this holiday season, and for good reason: it’s beautiful and cheery. For more casual gatherings, pearl- and gem-embellished blouses, gloves, bags and other accessories are popular. Metallics are also hot, and add shimmer and class to any ensemble. Expect to see metallics everywhere: clothes, shoes, clutches, you name it. If you’re sticking with your little black dress, that’s fine too. All the more reason to add some dazzle with a metallic bolero or a glittery statement necklace. An alternative to jewelry is tinsel. Sprinkle it liberally. It’s bright, optimistic and utterly seasonal. Above all, have fun with it. We’re long overdue.

Do Break Out the Luxury Fabrics

One of the top trends for this season is ultra-feminine lace. You’ll see it in a range of styles: sleeveless, full sleeves, short, long, high-waisted, drop-waisted, elasticized; there’s something for everyone. Another luscious option is velvet. Wear a top, pants or even a full-length dress for extra luxe this holiday season. Both lace and velvet can be dressed up or down. A lace overlay dress or velvet gown are perfect for a formal dinner party, while a lacy blouse or velvet tunic over jeans is ideal for more casual family gatherings. Add a splash of holiday cheer by pairing a lace or velvet top with red wide-leg pants.

Don’t Forget to Check for Undergarment Errors

Whether for work or family get-togethers, picture-taking will be a given. Don’t make the mistake of wearing white underwear under dark clothes. Even if it looks okay in the safety of your bedroom, different lighting could lead to serious embarrassment. Camera flashes are designed to illuminate so be sure your undies are either flesh-toned or match your clothes. Double-check necklines to be sure nothing is showing that shouldn’t, and do your own selfie check to insure you aren’t revealing more than you intend to.

Do Raid Your Closet First

Most of us haven’t done any partying in a really long time. It’s more than likely you already own something that will work for a holiday celebration. No matter the season, minimizing waste is always in style. Maybe you’ll mix things up this year and wear a sleek, menswear-inspired suit and tuxedo shirt. If you do take this route, pass on the bow tie and opt for more feminine accessories such as a classic strand of pearls or a blingy diamond choker.

Don’t Be Risqué

Even if you’re goal is to create a knock-out impression at the bash, you don’t want to stand out for the wrong reasons. For office parties and family get-togethers, pass on the tight-fitting, too-much-skin type of outfits. Yes, the work party should be fun, but it’s important to always maintain a certain level of professionalism. Sheer abdominal panels and thigh-high slits are no-nos. Same goes for the super-high heels. Save those for a different kind of party. As for the family fête, unless you want to hear about it at every future holiday gathering, pass on the low-cut dresses and anything that might have your relatives saying “Ho-Ho-Ho” in a non-complimentary way. The best outfit for a family party is comfortable but never sloppy. Make sure you’re wearing something you don’t mind being remembered in.

Do Go All Out

We’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. The holidays provide the perfect excuse to go whole hog. If a shimmering full-length gown is what you’ve always dreamed of wearing, go for it. However, there are limits. For example, do not wear anything that lights up, could be misconstrued as an Ugly Christmas Sweater or involves mistletoe hanging on your body. But what if you’re not sure what other people will be wearing, or you’re not feeling especially princess-y? Chic and understated is absolutely an option. And if bright red isn’t you, pastels are another lovely choice this season. Feeling comfortable is the name of the game. Do what suits you best.

Armed with these tips, you can go forth and party with confidence. Enjoy! You’ve earned it!