Editor’s Picks – What’s on our Editors Reading List

Written by Morgan Leet and Sarah-Eve Leduc

Holding a book in your hands has a unique way of sparking inspiration. When you’re completely immersed in the words printed before you, flipping quickly to the next page, it can be as if you’re in a meditative state. For me, the distinctive beauty of books is their ability to give me a new perspective, like no other medium can. It’s because you’re in it, reading the inner workings of a character’s mind. Despite the two dimensional words on the page, the story can create a reality in your head as you read. This imaginative aspect of reading incites you to think and fuels creativity in the most beautiful way. 

Finding this state though relies on discovering the perfect book. You have to find that story that draws you in, that makes you simultaneously want to skip to the last page and spoil the ending, but also never want it to end. 

Here’s a list of the books that Flanelle’s Editors are loving right now, which hopefully will inspire you this summer. 

Sarah-Eve Leduc, Editor-in-chief

If I want to be honest, I read a lot less than I would like to. Whenever I have some free time, I usually watch a movie or a tv show instead of reading, but whenever I do, it brings me the highest sense of peace and calm. I want to propose two books for this summer that I’ve really loved reading.

Aliss by Patrick Senécal

The French-Canadian fantastic drama is a retelling of Alice In Wonderland, but in the modern world and reality of Aliss. It is one of these books that completely captures you and makes you hungry for more. I remember reading it when I was traveling in Cuba for a few weeks, and was impatiently waiting for that time of day when I would just sit on the beach to immerse myself in the book. 

People We Meet On Vacation By Emily Henri

Another perfect beach read is People We Meet on Vacation. This book is a clever and funny read, also perfect for a beach read or even before bedtime. It’s light yet intriguing. I loved the dialogues, the wit and the romance the book gives will make you feel many emotions. It’s the one book I propose for 2021, it’s a great story, well written and wholesome.

Morgan Leet, Editor

I usually like to have two books on the go, one fiction, and one non-fiction. I wanted to add a third to my list here though because I think that art books often get overlooked when we think about reading. Flipping through the pages of an art book can tell you a story just as much as a novel, and they are beautiful to leave out on your table. So here are the three books I’m devouring right now.

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

I tend to steer away from celebrity autobiographies, but after having this book recommended to me I decided to give it a try. I was impressed by the first page. Matthew McConaughey’s raw and beautiful writing style had me wrapped up in the story of his life, from childhood to now. His unique experience has been a mash-up of unbelievable moments, breathtaking epiphanies, and journeys to find happiness. His book is a reminder to live life with a sense of joy, to follow your instincts, and never say no to an adventure. It made me smile and laugh, but it also provoked meaningful thoughts on what I believe and the type of life I want to live. 

I Can’t Stand To See You Cry  

The striking story of this photography book is clear from beginning to end. The black and white imagery explores the Texas landscape, and the people living within. It takes a seemingly simple location and makes it utterly complex and moving. It showcases the environmental issues, layered with explorations of family relationships, friendships, and strangers. The photographer crafted the book this year, as his father passed away. His own familial grief comes through in a beautiful way that makes you feel engrossed in his journey. It’s a moving visual read that will definitely immerse you into the life of the author. 

Malibu Rising

This story starts in 1983, as the four Riva siblings are at the eldest sibling’s (Nina’s) house party, filled with fame and celebrity. The annual party soon gets out of control, ending in a Malibu wildfire spreading. Time jumps throughout the book to fill in details about the family, relationships, dreams, and history. It’s the perfect combination of raw family struggles and drama, juxtaposed with the overwhelming privilege showcased at the party. It makes for the ideal summer read, as it incites images of a salty coastline with all of the characters surfing throughout. This beachy setting paired with the riveting storylines completely absorbed me. It took me on the waves of emotion and into the lives of the characters, letting me shut out my world and enter into theirs.

If you like our recommendations, make sure to also read Editor’s picks – Of The Month and Editors Picks – The Beauty Products our Editors are obsessed with right now.