How to Style a Mirror for a Dresser

Looking for a way to style your mirror for a dresser? Here are some great ideas to get you started! Whether you want a sleek, modern look or something more classic and traditional, these tips will help you achieve the look you’re after.

So why wait? Get started today with these helpful tips.

How to Style a Mirror for a Dresser

Mirrors for dressers are not out of style. Here are a few tips to help you create the most gorgeous display in your bedroom.

Consider Dresser Size

For most dressers, a mirror will work just fine. However, if your dresser is more on the tall side, then a mirror might look awkward and out of space.

After all, the dresser is already taking up its fair share of vertical space. Throwing a mirror into the mix might not be the best decorating option.

That said, a short, wide dresser will look great with a mirror. If you choose a dresser that doesn’t have a mirror already attached, you’ll need to consider your style preferences to find the right one.

Type of Decor

No matter what kind of dresser you have, it’s vital that you consider the rest of the display and decor to find the right fit. Do you like to store hats, jewelry, and other accessories on top of your dresser? Perhaps you use this as a spot to stash your potted plants.

Whatever the case may be, think about how the mirror you choose will fit in with the decor you already have.

Available Wall Space

Think about how much wall space you have around your dresser – and about how that will look if you add a mirror. This is especially important if you already have wall art or other hangings near the dresser.

Adding a mirror to an already busy wall may make the space look more cluttered – not ideal, in most cases.

Consider the Rest of the Room

When you add a major design piece like a mirror to a room, it’s important that you consider how it will go with the rest of the room. Think about the pieces you have now and how those will coordinate with the combination of a mirror and a dresser

How Will You Use the Mirror?

Choose a mirror that matches up well with your intended use for it. If it’s just for decoration, you have a bit more flexibility in the type of mirror you choose.

However, if you plan on using the mirror while getting ready, you will want a mirror that’s positioned so you can see your entire outfit.

Matching the Mirror

If you really want to make sure your mirror matches your dresser perfectly, then you should consider buying a matching set or a dresser with a mirror attached. That way, you won’t have to worry about things clashing.

Consider a Dresser Mirror to Upgrade Your Space

When you’re dressing up your bedroom with a new dresser, the last thing you want to do is neglect the mirror. But how can you style a mirror for a dresser in a way that’s both practical and attractive?

Hopefully, these tips have given you a good idea. So start decorating today!