Where is it recommended not to wear jewellery ?

Jewellery is valued not only for its aesthetic qualities but also for its ability to withstand wear and tear. This way buying Moissanite engagement rings, you get a piece that will remain to look brand new for decades to come. The vast majority of jewellery can be worn on a regular basis without the risk of showing signs of wear and tear. However, there are some situations in which it would be much more prudent not to wear them. This is exactly what we are going to talk about in this article.

Athletic sports. One of the drawbacks of participating in sports is that we actively sweat and constantly move around. The most basic component of human sweat is water, but it also contains compounds of sulfuric acid, calcium salts and various wastes. It is not good for jewellery as it can quickly envelop the piece and give it a big look. That is why it is recommended to leave jewellery in the locker room rather than bring it with you. We are not even mentioning that doing sports can easily make you forget you wear anything, and you might not even notice that you accidentally drop or tear your piece.

Better not do any sunbathing with any jewellery on. 

You will not only leave weird marks on your skin but there are a great number of precious and jewellery-making stones that would get aesthetic damage from being exposed to the sun. The jewels might become colourless, faded, and dull when exposed to ultraviolet light, which causes them to lose their original hue. Also, note that sand is very abrasive, which means that it is capable of both entering blind locks and leaving scratches on the surface of the ornament.

SPA procedures and bathing. 

Cosmetics and jewellery are never on good terms. If you are going to use cream in places that contact jewellery, it is strongly recommended that you take your jewellery off before applying the cream. Better wait for the cream to be absorbed into your skin, and then put your pieces back on. The greasy film will coat your piece and hide any shine underneath it. It includes both stones and precious metals.

The majority of metals and alloys used in jewellery are not susceptible to corrosion. However, it is best to remove them before getting into the shower for hygiene reasons. The jewellery may be adversely affected by the presence of a variety of macroelements and microelements that are present in tap water. Again the precious metal won’t be damaged, and the problem is that it will get a weird-looking coating.

Any jewellery made out of porous materials can absorb moisture that can cause cracking on the surface. Additionally, many jewellery pieces consist of leather and rubber goods that directly should not meet any water. 

In addition to that, it is always possible for a cherished ornament to be lost down the drain. And if you enjoy scuba diving, there is always the possibility that you will surface without your favourite earrings at some point, even though the likelihood of finding them on the ocean floor is extremely low.