3 Ways to Naturally Nourish Your Skin

When you’re creating a health and wellness skincare routine, the last thing you want is to pick products and methods that will end up doing more harm than good—you know the scams, fads, and “you’ll never believe the results!” clickbait we’re talking about.

Instead, take advantage of these three natural ways to nourish your skin (and yourself).

#1 A Balanced Diet

You may be thinking, why does my diet matter if I’m trying to nourish my skin? Shouldn’t I focus on creams and serums?

Those are great, too! But overall health—for even your outermost layer of skin—starts from within. In fact, nutrition is one of the most important factors in the way you show signs of aging.

When dinner is served each night, make sure to include these vital ingredients:

  • Eat the rainbow – Nope, this isn’t a Skittles commercial. It’s a recommendation to eat a wide spectrum of colors each week—red tomatoes, leafy greens, oranges, blueberries, yellow peppers, and so on. These colorful fruits and veggies contain phytonutrients that do wonders for your skin (while brightening up an otherwise boring meal).
  • Whole foods – As a general rule, reach for brown instead of white in the supermarket aisles. Whole grain pasta, brown bread, and rice are much better for your skin because they don’t cause the same insulin spike (which can cause acne) as white, processed foods.
  • Antioxidant rich meals – Luckily, a lot of our favorite colorful vegetables are also rich in antioxidants—who knew?! A few others include almonds, avocado, papaya, and pomegranate seeds.

Bonus: We all need to indulge in a sweet treat now and then, and luckily, dark chocolate is known for nourishing your skin because of its cocoa flavanols—you’re welcome. 

#2 Natural Skincare Products

When it comes to your regular skincare routine, it may be time to step it up. Or at the very least, pivot slightly towards a healthier and more naturally nourishing regimen.

One easy way to do that is with a natural puffy eye cream. Dark circles and puffy eyes are more than just inconvenient blemishes to cover up in the morning; they’re common signs that your skin lacks the nourishment it needs.

Start tending to your puffy eyes with long-term solutions rather than quick (and ineffective) “fixes”:

  • Hydrating eye cream – Apply a nutrient-rich formula that will maintain your skin’s elasticity without causing irritation or itchiness.
  • Renewal therapy (with sunscreen!) – Invest in a tinted topical cream that immediately conceals dark circles while mediating the signs of aging long term.

#3 Hydration Is Everything

Is there anything a bottle of water can’t fix? Seriously, when in doubt, pour one out.

If your health and wellness routine were a football team, water would be the star quarterback. Here are just a few top picks off its lengthy and impressive highlight reel:

  • Water flushes toxins, leaving you with overall healthier skin.
  • It’ll reduce swelling because you’ll be replenishing your body’s moisture more often; typically, your skin retains water in fear of dehydration, but with consistent water-intake, that puffiness will subside.
  • Water increases blood flow to your skin, making for a more even skin tone.
  • It improves the skin’s elasticity, which delays premature sagging and wrinkles.
  • Water regulates your skin’s oil and water content to prevent clogged pores, which lead to acne. 

If you struggle to keep up with the daily recommendation of eight cups a day, consider investing in a large, insulated water bottle to keep your water cold (and your skin clear) all day long.

Superior Skincare

Following a strict skincare regimen can feel like a daunting task, especially when there are so many lotions, cleansers, toners, and serums to pay attention to. Luckily, these lifestyle tips are easy enough to incorporate into your daily life.

So stock up on a few vital skincare products, fill the grocery cart with whole grains and leafy greens (and a dark chocolate bar!), and you’ll be well on your way to naturally nourished skin.