5 Tasteful & Affordable Décor Ideas for Your Backyard 

Outdoor living is among the favorite activities for American homeowners. “The Future of Home Design,” a recent survey by the New Home Trends Institute, listed outdoor entertaining and connection to nature on the top ten list of home design drivers in the US. The backyard design trend is undoubtedly here to stay.

Another survey states that 76% of Americans have a yard and consider it one of the most significant parts of their homes. Additionally, 72% of the respondents say they prioritize a spacious yard when looking for a new home. If you are among the lucky ones already having a house with a splendid outdoor space, you can consider a décor project to make it flaunt-worthy.

Before embarking on the project, you must have a realistic budget and plan. With home improvement products and services becoming expensive in the US, you may have some qualms about the investment. Fortunately, you can try a mix of DIY and smart spending to create a backyard of your dreams.

Here are a few tasteful and affordable backyard décor ideas for frugal homeowners.

Invest in Basic Furniture Pieces

Creating a recreational space in your backyard is about investing in some elegant and functional pieces. But these products may be more expensive than you imagine. Statistics show that the outdoor furniture market in the US was worth around $9.06 billion in 2020. The prices have risen significantly over these years.

Consider your budget and settle for a few basic pieces according to your needs and the size of your backyard. You can adorn the chairs with pretty covers and cushions to add a touch of class. An outdoor table with an umbrella is another must-have for backyard spaces. Pick a vibrant outdoor tablecloth with an umbrella hole to complete the look. Adding these creative elements can enhance the appeal of basic pieces.

Premier Table Linens recommends custom table linen to match the overall décor of your backyard. Also, choose a durable fabric as it has to bear the brunt of the elements when it shines, rains, and snows outdoors.

Play With Lighting

Illumination offers a lot of scope when it comes to decorating your backyard without breaking the bank. Think beyond just illuminating the area for functionality and safety. You can add creative lighting elements to contribute to the aesthetics of your outdoor space. At the same time, ensure energy efficiency to prevent long electricity bills.

Begin with basic LED lights to light up the area after dark. Install glowing bistro lights and hanging paper lanterns to decorate your patio. String fairy lights to highlight your favorite plants and outdoor features such as a bench or a fountain. You can even set up a floor lamp in the seating area for a touch of elegance.

Build an Outdoor Kitchen

Barbecue parties are a hot trend in American homes, with the grilling season no longer confined to the warmer months. You’ll be surprised by the sheer numbers: 68% of respondents in a survey stated that they wanted to host a barbecue on the Fourth of July in 2020. The pandemic may have been a reason, but the popularity of outdoor grills continues to grow.

The best part is that building an outdoor kitchen in your backyard doesn’t cost a fortune. All you have to invest in is a grill or pizza oven and some grilling tools. A little counter space is enough to make a functional kitchen. You can add some clever storage inside a small cabinet to make your backyard feast-ready. 

Create a Vertical Garden

Green elements are an integral part of a personalized outdoor space. What if you don’t have a sprawling lawn? What if you live in a small apartment with a small balcony playing a substitute for a backyard retreat? You can still have a scenic outdoor area to relax and enjoy nature by creating a vertical garden.

Hanging flower baskets, tall outdoor shelving, trellised plants, and plant stands provide ample space for gardening in tight quarters. You can look for plants that thrive in small spaces without requiring a lot of care and maintenance. 

Set Up a Cozy Nook

Your backyard can be your private space to rest and rejuvenate, provided it offers the peace and privacy you want. Try setting up a cozy nook to read your favorite books. You can also indulge in outdoor meditation sessions or enjoy a short nap on a warm day here.

Hang lightweight curtains or place tall plants strategically for coverage. Set up a comfortable furniture piece to stretch, rest, or sleep. Add a functional element or two to store your books, music system, and blanket. You will love every moment of your personal retreat.

Summing Up

A backyard is a great place to rest, relax, and entertain. It adds value to your property and enhances your lifestyle. Investing in backyard décor is a wise move for a homeowner, but it shouldn’t be about burning a hole in your wallet. Try these practical and affordable ideas to create the outdoor space of your dreams.