Make Your Home More Serene With These 10 Calmer Living Ideas

There’s no denying that your home is a safe sanctuary from the world. It’s the place you go to where you can relax, enjoy privacy from the world around you, entertain family and friends, and be yourself without fear of judgment from others.

It’s always an excellent feeling when you get home from a long day at work or studying. But do you feel unmotivated to come home these days? If so, the answer is likely because it doesn’t feel serene or give you the creativity boost you need in your life.

Thankfully, you can make your home more serene – and how to do so might even surprise you! What are the secrets, you ask yourself? The following illustrates ten simple ideas you can follow that will turn your home into the peaceful sanctuary you’ve always wanted:

1. Clear Away The Clutter

Most people have lots of “stuff” in their homes – things that don’t have a permanent storage place. The trouble is that some folks hoard things and either forget to or aren’t willing to do something about them.

Too much clutter in your home can produce the opposite of a serene living space, so it makes sense to clear away the things you don’t need in your abode.

Also, get rid of multiples of the same items. Do you really need 27 old mobile phones gathering dust in your home?

2. Add Plants To Bring Nature Indoors

One of the beautiful things about plants is how they help promote a calming and natural ambiance in any home. They offer numerous other benefits, too, such as improving the air quality in your rooms and providing therapeutic benefits.

Whether you like lilac flowering plants or lobivia cacti, you will find the perfect houseplants for your home. Be sure to add plenty of plants in each room (even in your bathroom) to boost your home’s serenity levels.

If you’re on the fence about introducing plants to your home, don’t worry; you can get ones that require little maintenance – perfect for people with busy lifestyles!

3. Create A Meditation Zone

Everyone needs distraction-free time to gather their thoughts and unwind from the day’s stresses and strains. It’s a well-known fact that meditation helps people achieve that goal, and it’s something you can do in the comfort of your home.

You can create a meditation zone, even in a busy and noisy household. That way, you can retreat to that room or part of your home when you want to be alone and clear your mind of negative energy and emotions.

4. Build A Book Nook

Do you like reading? If so, you’ll love having a book nook in your home! It’s the perfect place to keep a personal collection of your favorite books and have somewhere cozy to enjoy reading them – a place free of unwanted distractions, similar to your meditation zone.

A book nook is an ideal way of making your home more serene. It can be a quiet corner in your living room or even a small unused bedroom that you can convert into your private library.

5. Upgrade Your Sofa And Seating

Your sofa is undoubtedly the place where you, your family, and friends can sit down and relax. But what if your sofa leaves everyone experiencing backache? If so, it’s time to upgrade it to something more comfortable and in keeping with your serene home.

The style of sofa you select is your choice, of course. However, it’s crucial to consider an example that offers ultimate comfort – something you could easily fall asleep on if you laid down on it to relax after a long day!

6. Grow Some Scented Herbs

There’s nothing quite like the aroma of scented herbs in a home. The serene scents of herbs like lavender, mint, and rosemary will instantly put you and anyone else in your home into a calm and relaxed mindset.

When you combine scented herbs with some (or all) of the other ideas on this page, you’ll soon create the most serene home in your area. Additionally, you can even use some of those herbs in your cooking to boost the flavor of your dishes.

7. Play Some Soothing Sounds

Everyone responds to music, which is why everyone enjoys listening to it. It’s no secret, therefore, that listening to soothing sounds from your CD player or audio equipment of choice will help you to de-stress and relax, making your home feel more serene.

If you listen to streaming music from sources like Spotify, you can easily select a calming music playlist curated by the platform itself or other music community members. Enjoy listening to those soothing sounds whenever you want to “zone out” and relax.

8. Introduce More Natural Light Into Your Rooms

Ensuring the rooms in your home have optimal natural light is a necessity for both practical and psychological reasons. Aside from the physical and mental health benefits, natural light is also free – helping you lower your lighting costs and feel calmer about your finances.

Some ways you can introduce more natural light into each room in your home include:

  • Fitting blinds instead of curtains;
  • Installing sun tunnels or light tubes from the ceiling to the rooms below them;
  • Having a front door with a frosted glass top panel;
  • Upgrading to larger windows; and
  • Using light colors on your walls.

9. Embrace Minimalism

It’s important to remember that you don’t need much in your home to function as a healthy and happy human being. To that end, embracing minimalism makes sense for you and others in your household.

For example, investing in well-made furniture and simplifying the layout of each room are just two ways you can have a minimalist approach to your decor.

10. Block Outside Noise From Your Home

One final idea to make your abode more serene is blocking as much outside noise as possible.

You can achieve this in many ways, such as installing double or triple-glazed windows and doors, soundproofing internal walls, and adding external noise barriers like trees and shrubs in your front yard.