Cavitation: Sculpt Your Body With This Innovative Technology!

If you’ve been eating healthily and getting regular exercise, it can be demotivating to see the weight on the scale stay the same, especially if you can’t see any physical changes in the mirror. Finding a new approach to becoming a happier, healthier version of yourself can be revolutionary to your self-confidence, and cavitation offers the perfect opportunity to step into a new, revitalized stage of your life.

What Is Cavitation?

Sometimes referred to as a ‘lipo cavitation device,’ a cavitation machine is a fat loss treatment that uses ultrasound technology to break down fat cells. It does this through forming bubbles around fat deposits that then burst, breaking down the deposits with them. Over time, the lymphatic and interstitial systems receive the deposits and convert them into glycerol and free fatty acids, reducing the risk of a similar build up. While the glycerol will be reused by the body, this isn’t the case for the free fatty acids – these will be removed from the body through urine. This is an effective, painless process that leaves patients with a sculpted appearance without the need for any surgical procedures.

Most people who get cavitation treatments do so to target small areas of stubborn fat, in a bid to contour their body to their specific wishes. Often, this is done on the tummy or thighs, which can carry more fat, especially for women. While it’s not an instant fix, and should be combined with a healthy lifestyle that prioritizes natural fat loss, cavitation can make a huge difference to your overall look and feel.  

There are a number of different cavitation treatments that you can choose from, depending on what you feel works best for your body.

Lipo Cavitation Treatment

One of the most popular forms of cavitation is the standard Lipo Cavitation treatment. This uses an ultrasound that is designed to focus on one specific area of the body while dissolving fat cells. This treatment can also be known as ‘ultrasonic cavitation.

Suction Cavitation Treatment

An evolution of the Lipo Cavitation treatment, suction allows treatment providers to combine ultrasonic cavitation with a vacuum pressure. This optimizes the treatment by creating a massaging thermal effect that still provides all the benefits of the standard ultrasound method.

Cold Laser Cavitation Treatment

If you’re looking for an advanced cavitation treatment, cold laser might be for you. During this procedure, technicians will use laser technology designed to directly target fat cells, rather than ultrasonic. This often gives more accurate results than standard or suction cavitation treatments.

Radiofrequency Cavitation Treatment

No matter which treatment you choose, whether for the face or the body, you can choose to add radiofrequency to your package. This is a type of treatment that helps stimulate the collagen under the skin and make it firmer.

The cavitation device that will be used for your treatment will depend on which type of procedure you choose, but you can be certain that each approach is pain-free and effortless, so you don’t need to factor this into your final decision-making.

The Benefits Of Cavitation?

Most people who get cavitation treatments report an improved sense of confidence and self-image. This is thanks to the huge number of benefits of the cavitation process, which include:

Weight Loss

Easily one of the biggest benefits to cavitation is weight loss – you’ll see a noticeable difference to treated areas.

Skin Rejuvenation

Your skin will appear younger, fresher and rejuvenated as part of your cavitation results.

Improved Blood Circulation

With cavitation, you won’t just notice a shrinking waistline – you’ll also feel revitalized with improved blood circulation.

Immediate Results

As well as improving over time, the results that you’ll receive with a cavitation treatment are immediate!

Pain-Free Treatment

Many individuals seeking cavitation treatment question whether the procedure is painful. Fortunately, treatment is completely non-invasive and 100% pain-free!

The Process Of Getting A Cavitation Treatment

If you’re looking to get a cavitation treatment, then this is a great opportunity for you to sculpt your body. The process is straightforward, but if you’re hoping to prepare ahead of time, then keep the following in mind.

Before Your Treatment

Before you begin your cavitation treatment, you should arrange a consultation with your treatment provider to confirm that you are aware of how each stage of the process will work. Typically, you’ll sign up for a number of sessions together, and these will usually be in blocks of 10-12 to ensure maximum results. If you want to track your progress, remember to take your measurements before your treatment commences!

During Your Treatment

Your treatment will take around 40 minutes, and there’s nothing to worry about. First, a soft gel will be spread over the treatment area, and then the cavitation probe will be slowly moved across the gel.

After Your Treatment

You don’t need to do anything specific after your cavitation treatment, but for the best results, you should combine your sessions with a healthy diet and regular exercise regime. This will see you completely revamp your appearance.  

While there are little to no side effects of cavitation treatment, some individuals who attend regularly notice slight sensitivity or swelling following their appointment – this is nothing to worry about, and will subside in a few days. However, if you’re concerned, speak with your treatment provider or doctor to make sure that everything looks as expected.

How To Offer Cavitation At Your Clinic

If you own your own beauty clinic and you’ve considered cavitation for yourself, or even undergone treatments already, you might be wondering how you can offer this service to your clients. Cavitation machines can be ordered online through trusted sites. Investing in such a machine is one of the best things you can do to improve the services you offer, and leave clients happy, healthy and confident. This is a great way to ensure that your clients stay loyal long-term.

Cavitation can be a life changing treatment that can boost your self-esteem and confidence thanks to the specificity with which you can sculpt your appearance to your own taste. Reaching out to a qualified, experienced treatment provider is the best way to get the most out of your treatment and see the quickest results.