Dressit: defining a new way to shop online

Text by Koura-Rosy Kane

Despite the fact that we live in a period where virtual experiences are on the rise, some aspects of our lives are still not predominantly digital. News around this virtual universe keeps coming every day and we are reaching a point where we might ask ourselves if offline lives will still have any value in the next few years. Today, online shopping has long entered norms in our postmodern societies. With the pandemic, it has appeared as indispensable since we were no longer allowed to physically visit shops. This led to an acceleration of virtual experiences, even though we are now mostly able to reinvest public spaces. While exposing such facts, we might wrongly underestimate some aspects of offline experiences.  While online shopping may make the process of purchasing easier, recent studies have revealed that because buyers are unable to try on the things, they return an average of 40% of them. Furthermore, time-consuming return procedures might easily discourage buyers. Likewise, refund policies can be challenging. Testimonials on this matter often mention the painful process to get reimbursed. It is in such a context that the dressit application has emerged to answer these issues and offer a cutting-edge new shopping experience.

Dressit is an innovative luxury fashion marketplace app which connects local fashion brands with customers while providing an optimal purchasing experience.The application, which relies on 25 boutiques in Greater New York City, allows users to select things on a local scale and have them delivered within hours, on the very same day. Consumers are then able to try their selection in the privacy of their house. Returns can be made and picked up at your house on the same day, if the product does not fit. The upside is that customers can pay at the end of the procedure based on the pieces they choose to keep.

As the Holiday season arrives, some find it hard to find last minute gifts to friends and family. But what if you could send them clothing to try and keep their favorite? In this instance, you would be certain of finding a piece that they absolutely enjoy! And if you are even more last minute, you can deliver home decor instead, such as beautiful vases, candles and throws! It is also a great tool to gift to oneself.

Beyond the functional features dressit offers, we can also appreciate the local approach it encourages. Aside from answering specific consumers’ needs, the application also responds to a demand coming from shop owners. Managing a store can be very overwhelming – online and offline. In addition to having a large set of skills, shop owners need to consider an endless list of factors. Being able to have a notable digital presence can be truly challenging. 

As a result, dressit enables them to increase their local awareness and generate sales. Two years in this pandemic have certainly been arduous for many businesses. Small structures had to adapt according to the new configurations and social aspirations. Local purchases and a sense of community seem to be values that we can rely on in order to overcome the consequences of  uncertainty and instability that the pandemic has brought upon us. Today, labels like Otte New York, Kes NYC and Project Gaia NYC have put their trust in this process by collaborating with the dressit talented team. 

Koral Zaborof, the company’s creator, did not begin her career in the fashion industry. Formerly trained to become a lawyer, she followed her path from Israel to New York. She left Israel after completing all of her academic degrees.But Koral recalls that she “had a rather generic life” throughout this time.”  She pondered pursuing a master’s degree in order to practice in the United States once she arrived in New York. “However, the truth is that the concept of business spoke to me.” “Koral expresses. In the great city of New York, the Israelis community has taken part in the starting businesses movement.

Koral has long had an interest in fashion and the shopping experience that comes with it, despite her professional route being in the legal world. Dressit’s launch came at an ideal time for the local communities. She can now combine her two passions by bringing a solution to online shopping issues; the capacity to try the samples at home before buying. Like many entrepreneurs, Koral was inspired by her personal experience. It guided the creation of dressit. She explained that ”when you buy clothes online, the shopping experience is not ideal; you can’t try the clothes on, you never really know what your size is, sizes vary from store to store, you can’t try multiple sizes at the same time, and if the item is not good, then it is very complicated to return it to the store and receive a refund.

Dressit goes even farther by providing personal shopper help to encourage personalized experiences. In an era when standardization is the norm, the customized aspect of our service gives customers an apparent opportunity. Dressit was created to promote local purchases,  and to address special demands related to online purchasing. Although the company is now based in New York City, this system could be used in a multitude of other locations. Is local virtual purchases the future of digital shopping?