Interview with Ashlei Foushée

From St. Louis Ballets to Hollywood’s Big Screens: A Deep Dive into Passion, Purpose, and Philanthropy

Ashlei Foushée’s journey from the ballet stages of St. Louis to the bustling movie sets of Hollywood is nothing short of captivating. With an unmistakable passion for the arts, Ashlei’s multifaceted career in acting, writing, and producing has positioned her amongst the industry’s emerging luminaries. Behind the glitz and glamour, her commitment to social causes and arts education stands testament to her deeply-rooted values. As we dive into this interview, Ashlei reflects on her early influences, experiences with industry veterans, and her aspirations for the future.

Growing up in St. Louis, when did you first discover your love for theater, TV, and film?

I’ve always had a flare for the dramatic. My dad used to tell stories about me putting on one woman shows in front of an audience of stuffed animals. My mom put me in dance when I was 2 years old. I never got tired of it!

How has your background in classical ballet influenced your acting journey?

Ballet taught me focus and discipline and it also was my first training as a performer. It gave me a great foundation and makes me a more well-rounded actor.

How did your time at Chapman University and mentorship under Cathy Schulman shape your perspective on the industry?

Chapman was my training wheels. I don’t think I’d be the actor I am today without learning from all my professors in school. I’d say Cathy was definitely one of my most influential teachers. She was my first real life example of a boss woman in the industry. She taught me how to be strong but also strategic. She also has such a great eye for projects that are both entertaining but deal with important issues. Those are exactly the type of films I want to make.

Why is providing arts education for underprivileged youth important to you, and how do you believe the arts impact them?

I think art is invaluable. People need a way to express themselves and make sense of their experience and the world around them. Unfortunately, often times art is viewed as non-essential, so underprivileged communities lack access to the arts. When children are able to explore and express themselves, they are happier and healthier in every way.

How did you prepare for your role as “Kayla” in On Fire, given its real-life inspirations?

I did a lot of research on first responders and spoke at length with a close friend of mine who used to work at an emergency call center. I walked away from that experience with the utmost respect for first responders and the sacrifice they make day in and day out. They truly are real life superheroes.

What have you learned from working alongside seasoned actors like Michael Shannon, Kate Hudson, and Don Johnson?

What haven’t I learned!? Honestly, the biggest thing is that the work never stops. Even when you reach a high level, you can always challenge yourself and you must always stay present and have fun with your work.

As a writer and producer, what joys and challenges do you experience behind the scenes?

I love writing because I get so much joy creating new stories. The challenge is getting the story made. It’s next to impossible to get movies made!

With your diverse repertoire, where do you envision your career in the next five years? Are there specific roles or genres you’re targeting?

I’d love to play Storm! But as far as my career goes, I just want to play the great roles and be a part of the great projects.

Can you discuss your involvement with “Habit Against Humanity” and why volunteering is so important to you?

My mom and I make bag lunches for the builders. Growing up my mom did a lot of community service work through our church. Her love language is service and that’s definitely rubbed off on me. I feel most fulfilled when I can help someone else.

What advice would you give to young artists trying to break into the industry?

Be confident in yourself, work hard, don’t give up and always work on your craft.

From enacting dramatic tales for her stuffed animals as a child to shining alongside industry stalwarts, Ashlei Foushée’s journey is an embodiment of dedication, passion, and purpose. Whether it’s her commitment to uplifting underprivileged communities or her relentless pursuit of telling impactful stories, Ashlei serves as an inspiration for budding artists. As she continues to carve a niche in Hollywood, one can only anticipate the next chapter in Ashlei’s journey.