September Digital Cover – An interview with Michael Bishop

Michael Bishop has made his acting debut on the set of the new Disney Channel original movie, Spin! As the first Disney film with an Indian American actress, it is making waves in the industry already. Michael plays the role of DJ Max, counterpart and love interest of Rhea, who is played by Avantika Vandanapu. It follows Rhea’s journey to becoming a DJ and finding her own sound as well as her identity. Landing the role meant that Michael was not only helping change Disney’s history but also required the Australian to travel to Toronto, Canada for filming and take a two-week crash course in DJing. When he’s back home though he lives the Aussie lifestyle through and through, enjoying surfing and ruby as well and being a creative storyteller at heart. The passionate, humble, and talented actor is sure to continue his rise to fame, and we can’t wait to see where he goes next.

Can you please tell us more about your role as DJ Max in Disney Channel’s new original movie ‘Spin’?

Max is an incredibly passionate, charismatic, somewhat chaotic, British DJ! He also happens to be, undeniably, the coolest character in spin.

This is the first Disney Channel Original Movie to star an Indian actress as the lead and focus on Indian culture. How does it feel to be involved in this historic movie? Did you learn anything new during this process?

I definitely carry myself with pride knowing that Spin is a part of the really positive growth we are seeing in the industry. When I grew up, I was lucky enough to see characters that I could identify with and I believe that’s important for all children.

Did you have any experience DJing before this movie?

Absolutely not. One of the beautiful things about acting is we get to pick up new hobbies with every new project. I can now check DJing off my bucket list.

What does it feel like to join the Disney Channel family?

Crazy, bizzare, wild, amazing… I’m not sure how many adjectives I would need to use to really paint the picture, I feel very lucky and very welcomed.

What is your favorite song right now?

I am absolutely blasting A-OK by Tai Verdes in my car while I drive, it’s strangely therapeutic.

How did you get your start in acting? When did you realize you wanted to pursue it as a career?

Acting and storytelling is something that’s always on my mind, it almost consumes me, but I’m glad it does. I’ll be walking in the street and picture everyone as extras or I’ll imagine what the drone shot would look like. Since I could never get that fascination out of my head, I knew I had to pursue it as a career.

If you could star in a movie alongside any actor/ actress, who would you want to work with?

Being an Aussie I’d have to say Hugh Jackman, I think I could learn a lot from him.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Doing something good. I could do my best to give you a detailed response but the truth is I really don’t know exactly what I’ll be doing, and that’s the beauty of this wild life and being on the floating ball in space. Sometimes, letting opportunities present themselves can guide you somewhere you would have never thought, so we completely understand what you me. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us! You can follow more of Michael Bishop on his Instagram: @michaelclivebishop