Jean-Mihkael Exclusive Interview

The year has only just begun but Jean-Mikhael is already set to make an everlasting imprint. An artist who is fast becoming known for his Prince-esque vocals and head-turning fashion, Jean-Mikhael’s individuality at a time of extreme music output will be sure to see him stand the test of time. His achievements to date already support this, having been scouted for a Selena Gomez tour, charted number 1 in the iTunes R&B charts with his single ‘Deal’ and is working with some of the biggest names in the music industry right now – with these names helping him to build what will be his EP out later this year. 

Jean-Mikhael’s career has also awarded him with packed-out headline shows including The Ned, 229 The Venue, People’s Day festival, iLuvLiveand live performances for platforms such as Sofar Sounds and Westside Radio/Niji Magazine. His live shows are what continue to cement Jean-Mikhael as an artist to keep a firm eye on, not only with his distinct soundscape but also his visual allure, creating a presence that invites all the senses to engage as he performs.

It is with his single ‘Don’t Come Back’ that he was first brought to our attention, a single that carries a poignant message of self-love, especially important in a day and age where we can forget to put ourselves first. ’Don’t come back’ is really a vow to oneself to put yourself first. To exercise self-love to not accept less than what you deserve. It really was my therapy writing ‘Don’t come back’. It allowed me to see situations clearer because I was writing my story on paper. You look back for a moment and I guess realise what you had accepted all along and deemed as okay isn’t and that you deserve more. Boundaries can be hard at times, but we all need them to keep ourselves in soundness” he explains.

With a stunning visualiser putting a face to the iconic voice, we were keen to find out more about Jean-Mikhael and what makes him the artist he is today…

Can you tell us where it all started… How and why did you first get into music?

I was really young! It started with me performing at different parties my mum’s friends would throw, as a child, for a bit of fun. Things got a little more series as I started performing at different school events. Very quickly after this, I began playing the role of young MJ in thriller live, on stage, for about a year and from there was accepted into the Brit school and studied music. After school, I got scouted by my current manager and he developed me – he put me through mini bootcamps where I’d run and sing my songs, do all my scales, there wasn’t anything I could miss! I then recorded my first few demos, performed at a few open mic nights and around about then caught the eye of my first label who I released my debut EP with, and here we are!

Where do you source your unique sound?

I think it’s an influence of SO much. My vocals were classically trained but my main love has always been R&B and pop so the combination of such different genres coming together is where it all came from. I just decided to embrace my love for whatever the sound was. 

Your new single ‘Don’t Come Back’ is about exercising self-love and putting yourself first, have you had any experiences in music where you haven’t done that or you wish you had?

Definitely. My family are quite religious and before, I would consider them in a lot of what I did. In terms of my lyrics, is the story too real? What I wear, is it too flamboyant? I think it is normal for artists to sometimes have doubts or to think maybe what they’re doing isn’t the right thing because it’s not what is ‘popping’ at the time but I have learnt to appreciate my differences. When you are the blueprint of something you will always face those hurdles because you are not what the masses are used to, but the battle is always worth it, the rewards are far much greater in the end because you know everything you have done is true to you. 

You were scouted to support Selena Gomez on tour, if you could have any artist support you on tour, who would it be and why?

I would have Chloe x Halle. They’re just in their own lane, unique and unapologetic. Their performance and instrumentation is amazing, I love watching them bring their songs alive each time. 

What inspires you to continue to create?

Life is really what inspires me. Things I may go through or what friends and family have told me. Love, relationships, myself. I like to look within myself to bring out whatever emotions I have suppressed. Also, nature and being free. 

Tell us what is to come for Jean-Mikhael for the rest of 2022…

Lots more music! I have some singles coming and a whole EP. I’m going to be performing them live with a couple of shows lined up, as well as, hopefully hosting an intimate tour after my EP around my EP! The aim for this year is to be constantly active with my music and expand in other areas, such as fashion, another love of mine. 

I have so much to say I can’t wait to give it to the world in my music!