GH Haus is an artistic lifestyle haus, curating art, and designing art. This brand is comprised of Gallery and fashion brand of quality apparel, bags, and home decor products. Motived by the founder Grace Huang, GH Haus believes that “We design art to sustainable fashion seamlessly.” Deeply entrenched the philosophy of high quality and the spirit of refinement, GH HAUS aspires to create unprecedented shopping experience to customers and to make their wardrobe become their art collections. As a bridge between customers and the art world, GH HAUS also shows solicitudes to artist friends by supporting them emotionally and financially.
Discover artistic possibilities in contemporary art: Minimalism, Abstract, Pop Art, Illustration……
Your wardrobe is your art collection
Website :
Instagram: @ghhaus_official
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Photographer: Katrinlaks @katrinlaks_photo
Model: Amber wang @amberwangwzy
Designer: grace- Huang @gracehuang_
Fine artist: Peterdstephen @peterdstephens
Fine artist: Serena Bocchino @serenabocchino
Fashion : GHHAUS