integrity of meanings – Lookbook by Olga Taracheva & Irene Vernier

Our reality has changed, and many people have had to rethink their experiences, values ​​, and goals. As a result, we are left with what is really important to us. And creativity is one of those values.

Photographer Irene Vernier, in collaboration with designer Olga Taracheva, creates a fashion story about a person who has gone through this transformation.

Olga Taracheva, as a costume designer, works on garments using different techniques and material combinations. Handmade macrame dresses in pair with light transforming skirts create a variety of silhouettes and shapes. The cords in the clothes and woven into the hairstyle reflect the formation of new meanings. At the same time, the jacket symbolizes some traditions.

We are integrity of all meanings.

Costumes&Jewelry Designer/Creative Director: Olga Taracheva
Photographer/Creative Director: Irene Vernier
Model/Makeup Artist: Ekaterina Martynova