Make your Clothes Last Way Longer with this Ultimate Guide

If you are eco-conscious, then you’ll want to do everything you can to make your clothes last way longer. This is especially the case if you have a lot of expensive clothing items in your wardrobe. The great thing about making your clothes last longer is that it will keep them looking great while also helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Buy Quality Pieces if you Can

If you want to make your clothes last way longer, then you need to do everything you can to buy quality pieces. Buying a single jacket that’s made out of great leather will last you way longer than buying five jackets that are made out of synthetic material. Higher quality clothing will also help you to get better-constructed clothing items, so you don’t have to worry about the stitching coming undone or buttons falling off.

Use a Delicates Bag

Delicate garments can easily rip or ruin in the wash. If you want to get around this then you need to make sure that you use a bag so that you can put all of your items in there without having to worry about them ripping. This is especially the case if you have delicate underwear or if you are concerned about your zips getting snagged.

Wash Less

Think about what your clothes go through every single time you wash them. They will be tumbling around a washing machine with tons of other pieces. If you wash too often then you may end up losing colour in your clothing and you may also end up ruining the elastic stretch too. If you leave your clothes wet for too long after you have washed them then this can weaken the fabric as well, so make sure that you use a dryer so that your clothes don’t stay wet for too long. If you are concerned about your dryer not working properly then take the time to find out how to check your dryer thermal fuse.

Wash Your Clothes Properly

Putting on a wash when you do not have a full load will waste a lot of water. At the same time, if you cram your entire wardrobe into the washing machine and overfill it then this won’t be good for your clothes either. You may find that your clothes don’t wash properly and that they also rub against each other. This will cause a lot of damage and you may find that they fade more. Washing a small bundle of clothes at a time on a cold wash will also work wonders for your clothing items.

Reduce your Detergent

Detergent is harmful to the environment, and it can actually turn your clothes dull and stiff too. If you want to use less detergent, then you need to use half the amount of detergent and you also need to use half a cup of baking soda. This will make your clothes just as clean but it will lower your carbon footprint as well so it’s well worth trying.