Top 6 Asian-American restaurants in San Francisco

Exploring the Best of Asian-American Cuisine in San Francisco

San Francisco, rich in culture and history, boasts a culinary scene as diverse as its population. Among the city’s culinary highlights, Asian-American cuisine particularly stands out, seamlessly blending traditional flavors with modern innovations. This fusion not only reflects the story of migration and cultural integration but also showcases the creativity and evolution that make San Francisco’s food offerings both unique and compelling.

The city’s roots in Asian-American history are deep, beginning in the mid-19th century when the first Chinese immigrants arrived during the Gold Rush. This marked the establishment of what would become one of North America’s oldest and most vibrant Chinatowns. Over the decades, waves of immigrants from across Asia brought their culinary traditions to this foggy city by the bay, adding layers to what would shape the unique Asian-American food scene we celebrate today in San Francisco.

The evolution of this cuisine can be observed in the myriad of restaurants sprinkled throughout the city, where traditional recipes meet local ingredients and contemporary techniques. Here’s a guide to six must-try Asian-American dining experiences in San Francisco that promise to tickle your taste buds and expand your culinary horizons. 

Empress by Boon

Empress by Boon, set in the historic space that once housed the famous Empress of China restaurant, is a revitalized landmark offering gourmet Cantonese cuisine. Guided by Michelin-starred Chef Ho Chee Boon, the restaurant offers a menu that changes with the seasons, ensuring the freshest ingredients and flavors. Chef Ho Chee Boon brings his international expertise to bear on a menu that incorporates fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, transforming traditional Cantonese dishes into contemporary masterpieces.  Notable cocktails to enliven the tastebuds include Hierba Mala, featuring Partida Blanco, mezcal, Thai basil, and lemon, and the Nanking Cocktail, which combines fresh strawberries, duck fat washed Knob Creek Rye, and Sichuan bitters. Empress by Boon also offers non-alcoholic drinks like Moth and Fern, made with Seedlip ‘Garden’ and Red Blossom chrysanthemum tea.  The panoramic views of the city skyline from the restaurant add a visual feast that complements the gastronomical experience.


Nari is an homage to the matriarchal spirit of Thai cuisine, brought to life under the guidance of Chef Pim Techamuanvivit. Emphasizing sustainable practices and local ingredients, Nari serves dishes that burst with authentic flavors presented with modern flair. Signature dishes include the rich and flavorful khao yum, a rice salad with a medley of herbs, and the perfectly balanced kanom jeen nam ya, a fermented rice noodle dish with a coconut fish curry. The restaurant’s interior, designed with elegance and cultural authenticity, reflects the heritage that each dish offers, making it a must-visit for those seeking to dive deeper into Thai-American culinary arts at its finest.Each dish is a harmonious blend of bold flavors and delicate textures, making NARI a must-visit for anyone looking to experience Thai cuisine at its finest.

Chotto Matte

Blending the fiery flavors of Nikkei cuisine with the dynamic atmosphere of San Francisco, Chotto Matte delivers an explosion of taste in its Peruvian-Japanese dishes. This restaurant reflects the global journey of Asian culinary traditions, showcasing how Japanese immigrants in Peru combined their techniques and ingredients with the local fare, leading to a vibrant fusion that is now celebrated in cities like San Francisco. The menu features innovative dishes such as ceviche, tiradito, Anticucho BBQ, sushi, sashimi, and tempura, all prepared with organic and sustainably sourced ingredients. The restaurant’s vibrant atmosphere, with its stylish architectural design and lively ambiance, makes it a popular destination for both locals and visitors. 

The Progress

Innovative and dynamic, The Progress is a staple in the San Francisco dining scene, known for its unique take on Asian-inspired Californian cuisine. The ever-changing menu is a testament to the city’s evolving tastes, featuring dishes that creatively fuse elements from different Asian cultures with local produce and modern culinary trends.

Liholiho Yacht Club

At Liholiho Yacht Club, the lines between Hawaiian, Indian, and Chinese cuisines are deliciously blurred, reflecting Chef Ravi Kapur’s own multicultural background. The playful yet thoughtful dishes, like the beef tongue with kimchi and tuna poke on nori crackers, invite diners to explore a story of cultural convergence that is deeply rooted in the chef’s familial influences and San Francisco’s cosmopolitan ethos.

Mister Jiu’s

Nestled in the heart of Chinatown, Mister Jiu’s is a modern tribute to Chinese-American cuisine, where traditional recipes meet local ingredients and bold new concepts. Chef Brandon Jew’s vision for a contemporary yet respectful nod to his heritage is evident in dishes that are both familiar and revelatory, offering a fresh perspective on a historic cuisine.

San Francisco’s dining scene is a reflection of its rich cultural diversity and innovative spirit. Whether you’re indulging in the refined flavors of NARI, exploring modern Cantonese cuisine at Empress by Boon, enjoying the Mediterranean charm of Alora, or savoring the unique Nikkei fusion at Chotto Matte, each restaurant offers a unique and unforgettable culinary journey. For food lovers and culture enthusiasts, these top restaurants provide a taste of the world right in the heart of San Francisco.